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(Russian to English)


(click on underlined links)


Edited Book

An Inner Step Toward God: Writings and Teachings on Prayer by Father Alexander Men (2014)


Book Chapters

Dmitry Uzlaner, “The Logic of Scapegoating in Contemporary Russian Moral Conservatism,” in Contemporary Russian Conservatism: Problems, Paradoxes and Perspectives, edited by Mikhail Suslov and Dmitry Uzlaner, vol. 13 of Eurasian Studies Library, 103-27. Leiden: Brill, 2019.



"Two Ecumenisms: Conservative Christian Alliances as a New Form of Ecumenical Cooperation" by Andrey Shishkov (2017)


Book Review of Barbara Newman's Medieval Crossover: Reading the Secular against the Sacred by Galina Zelenina (2017)


"Jacques Lacan and the Theory of the Religious Subject" by Dmitry Uzlaner (2017)


"The Pussy Riot Case and the Peculiarities of Russian Post-Secularism" by Dmitry Uzlaner (2014)


Forthcoming Translation

For the Sake of Your Name: Memories of Jehovah’s Witnesses about the Soviet and Post-Soviet Periods, a book commissioned by Danish publisher, Gramma (submitted in December 2023).



April's translations from Russian to English demonstrate her high level of mastery of both Russian and English languages and her excellent prose style. Her work is meticulous, and in every respect she goes beyond what is asked of her to make sure that she provides the best possible final product. In addition, she is a colleague who is generous with her time and expertise and who works well collaboratively.


Marlyn Miller, Ph.D.

Former Editor, State, Religion and Church



Upon review of the first English-language edition of State, Religion and Church - an academic journal published by the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, in which April's translation of Uzlaner's 2014 article appears - sociologist David Martin wrote: "I am very impressed with the journal's presentation and content. The level of English is exceptionally high - indeed better than many Anglo-American journals. The articles have a higher philosophical/theological content than would be normal in Western Europe, but that simply gives the journal a distinctive character."

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  © Mahala Rethlake

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